Competition, Conflict, Crises
Competition and conflict are intrinsic features of modern society, inequality is persistent, and booms and busts are recurrent outcomes throughout the history of capitalism. State intervention modifies modified these patterns but does not abolish them. This book is an attempt to show that these, as well as many other observed patterns, arise from intrinsic forces that shape and channel outcomes. Social and institutional factors play an important role, but at the same time, these factors are themselves conditioned by the dominant "gain-seeking" behaviors, of which the profit motive is the most important, that impel the system.
This book is meant to be a systematic work. Individual chapters may focus on the mains point of a particular subject, but they do not stand alone because the concepts involved gain further dimensions and interconnections as the arguments are developed. This is as it should be, because groups of concepts may be needed to develop any particular argument, and of course because empirical and historical considerations will (and should) bring out new aspects. This is why empirical evidence constitutes such a large part of this work.
BUY HERE | For discount use codes ASFLYQ6 (US) / AAFLY7 (ROW)
There are also translations available in Chinese, Turkish, and Spanish.
A considerably abridged version of Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises (Oxford University Press 2016) is currently in progress.
A disclaimer: this book is not meant to be cherry picked from "like a salad bar," it is intended to be a work of systematic theory. Please appraise this work as a whole, and not by evaluating a single chapter outside of the general framework of the full book.
"An amazing feat. Anwar Shaikh's Capitalism covers exchange, production, costs, competition, money, macro-dynamics, profit, wages and trade, with theory, history and evidence complete. Deeply erudite and beautifully written, it is at once a stunning renovation of classical and Keynesian economics and a relentless demolition of sophistries. A book to savor and to teach; there hasn't one like it for 150 years."
-- James K. Galbraith
Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin,
Author of The End of Normal and of Inequality: What Everyone Needs to Know
"Anwar Shaikh has always been an independent, free spirit. He has great economic intuition and technical skills. He has absorbed the literature of classical political economy, Marx's writings, modern economic theory, and applied work. He also is well versed in philosophy and in historical writings. His mentors include Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Keynes, Sraffa, Joan Robinson, Kalecki, Goodwin, Godley, Pasinetti and Taylor. All these influences and more come together in Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises, his magnum opus.
In an extraordinary blend of original theory and careful empirical work, we have possibly the most comprehensive structure since Marx's Capital, within which to understand and analyse the many inter-related processes that constitute modern advanced capitalism. His book provides both deep understanding, and a platform on which to erect appropriate policies, with which to tackle the revealed malfunctionings and undesirable social outcomes. It would not be Shaikh's fault if others do not take up the challenge."
-- G. C. Harcourt
An influential and highly regarded economist of the Cambridge Universitys School, winner of the Veblen-Commons Award, Reader in the History of Economic Theory, Emeritus, University of Cambridge, and Visiting Professorial Fellow, School of Economics, University of South Wales, Australia.
"Anwar Shaikh's magnum opus is one of the most important works of political economy to have come out in a generation. In a time when economics is becoming ever more recondite and otherworldly, Shaikh shows that an economic theory based on real abstractions is not only necessary, but also possible. This is a work of lasting importance, not just for economists, but for anyone interested in how capitalism works."
--Vivek Chibber
Professor of Sociology, New York University, author of Confronting Capital and The Class Matrix
"This book is a remarkable achievement, and there is a great deal to be learned from it."
--John E. King in The Economic and Labour Relations Review
Professor Emeritus at La Trobe University, Australia, author of The Alternative Austrian Economics: A Brief History and A History of Marxian Economics Vol. I & II, Editor of the History of Economics Review,
"Anwar Shaikh's Capitalism offers the prospect of an intellectual renewal more comprehensive than any so far attempted. Both the range and the depth of his book, covering in detail mainstream and heterodox, micro- and macroeconomics, are without parallel in contemporary literature."
--New Left Review
"Capitalism is a book for economists and brave activists who want to get a bigger grip on the underlying processes of capitalism...those readers who stick to the task will be rewarded with new insights into the capitalist process and insightful critiques of mainstream and heterodox arguments."
--International Socialism
"[Capitalism] is different, it's not political, it's written for economics scholars and explores the fundamental categories on which neoclassical economics is built, that is; 'rational' consumers, U-shaped supply curves, flat demand functions and the fiction of an equilibrium at which marginal-utility equals marginal-cost. The author's scalpel eviscerates every one of these categories from the inside that is from within economic discourse and using empirical economic data. This book will resonate for a long time."
--Kumar David
Colombo Telegraph
"This new book by Anwar Shaikh is a veritable tour de force from a unique economist who skillfully links deep insights from classical economic theory with cutting edge ideas in econophysics and economic complexity to penetratingly deal with issues from microeconomic competition through macroeconomic dynamics and turbulence."
--J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Professor of Economics and Kirby L. Cramer, Jr. Professor of Business Administration, James Madison University

BUY HERE | For discount use codes ASFLYQ6 (US) / AAFLY7 (ROW)
There are also translations available in Chinese, Turkish, and Spanish.
A considerably abridged version of Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises (Oxford University Press 2016) is currently in progress.
A disclaimer: this book is not meant to be cherry picked from "like a salad bar," it is intended to be a work of systematic theory. Please appraise this work as a whole, and not by evaluating a single chapter outside of the general framework of the full book.
Competition, Conflict, Crises
Competition and conflict are intrinsic features of modern society, inequality is persistent, and booms and busts are recurrent outcomes throughout the history of capitalism. State intervention modifies modified these patterns but does not abolish them. This book is an attempt to show that these, as well as many other observed patterns, arise from intrinsic forces that shape and channel outcomes. Social and institutional factors play an important role, but at the same time, these factors are themselves conditioned by the dominant "gain-seeking" behaviors, of which the profit motive is the most important, that impel the system.
This book is meant to be a systematic work. Individual chapters may focus on the mains point of a particular subject, but they do not stand alone because the concepts involved gain further dimensions and interconnections as the arguments are developed. This is as it should be, because groups of concepts may be needed to develop any particular argument, and of course because empirical and historical considerations will (and should) bring out new aspects. This is why empirical evidence constitutes such a large part of this work.

A disclaimer: this book is not meant to be cherry picked from "like a salad bar," it is intended to be a work of systematic theory. Please appraise this work as a whole, and not by evaluating a single chapter outside of the general framework of the full book.
"An amazing feat. Anwar Shaikh's Capitalism covers exchange, production, costs, competition, money, macro-dynamics, profit, wages and trade, with theory, history and evidence complete. Deeply erudite and beautifully written, it is at once a stunning renovation of classical and Keynesian economics and a relentless demolition of sophistries. A book to savor and to teach; there hasn't one like it for 150 years."
-- James K. Galbraith
Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin,
Author of The End of Normal and of Inequality: What Everyone Needs to Know
"Anwar Shaikh has always been an independent, free spirit. He has great economic intuition and technical skills. He has absorbed the literature of classical political economy, Marx's writings, modern economic theory, and applied work. He also is well versed in philosophy and in historical writings. His mentors include Smith, Ricardo, Marx, Keynes, Sraffa, Joan Robinson, Kalecki, Goodwin, Godley, Pasinetti and Taylor. All these influences and more come together in Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crises, his magnum opus.
In an extraordinary blend of original theory and careful empirical work, we have possibly the most comprehensive structure since Marx's Capital, within which to understand and analyse the many inter-related processes that constitute modern advanced capitalism. His book provides both deep understanding, and a platform on which to erect appropriate policies, with which to tackle the revealed malfunctionings and undesirable social outcomes. It would not be Shaikh's fault if others do not take up the challenge."
-- G. C. Harcourt
An influential and highly regarded economist of the Cambridge School, winner of the Veblen-Commons Award, Reader in the History of Economic Theory, Emeritus, University of Cambridge and Visiting Professorial Fellow, School of Economics, University of South Wales Australia
"Anwar Shaikh's magnum opus is one of the most important works of political economy to have come out in a generation. In a time when economics is becoming ever more recondite and otherworldly, Shaikh shows that an economic theory based on real abstractions is not only necessary, but also possible. This is a work of lasting importance, not just for economists, but for anyone interested in how capitalism works."
--Vivek Chibber
Professor of Sociology, New York University, author of Confronting Capital and The Class Matrix
"This book is a remarkable achievement, and there is a great deal to be learned from it."
--John E. King in The Economic and Labour Relations Review
Professor Emeritus at La Trobe University, Australia, author of The Alternative Austrian Economics: A Brief History and A History of Marxian Economics Vol. I & II, Editor of the History of Economics Review,
"Anwar Shaikh's Capitalism offers the prospect of an intellectual renewal more comprehensive than any so far attempted. Both the range and the depth of his book, covering in detail mainstream and heterodox, micro- and macroeconomics, are without parallel in contemporary literature."
--New Left Review
"Capitalism is a book for economists and brave activists who want to get a bigger grip on the underlying processes of capitalism...those readers who stick to the task will be rewarded with new insights into the capitalist process and insightful critiques of mainstream and heterodox arguments."
--International Socialism
"[Capitalism] is different, it's not political, it's written for economics scholars and explores the fundamental categories on which neoclassical economics is built, that is; 'rational' consumers, U-shaped supply curves, flat demand functions and the fiction of an equilibrium at which marginal-utility equals marginal-cost. The author's scalpel eviscerates every one of these categories from the inside that is from within economic discourse and using empirical economic data. This book will resonate for a long time."
--Kumar David
Colombo Telegraph
"This new book by Anwar Shaikh is a veritable tour de force from a unique economist who skillfully links deep insights from classical economic theory with cutting edge ideas in econophysics and economic complexity to penetratingly deal with issues from microeconomic competition through macroeconomic dynamics and turbulence."
--J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Professor of Economics and Kirby L. Cramer, Jr. Professor of Business Administration, James Madison University